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Robotic paking design: what you need to know

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When there is a decision on the use of mechanization for organizing parking spaces, the stage of creating a parking concept, its technical equipment and, of course, calculating the cost of robotic parking comes. But without a preliminary design study, it is impossible to qualitatively calculate the cost of parking.

To design a robotic parking lot, it is necessary to create a map of initial data and parking requirements, as following:

1. Find out the dimensions of the parking lot, length, width, height.

2. Choose the type of parking: free-standing or built-in.

3. Clarify what are the restrictions during construction. For example, restrictions on height, on soils, on budget, etc.

4. Determine the required number of parking spaces in the parking lot.

5. To identify the required speed of issuing a car based on the purpose of the building and peak loads in time for receiving and issuing cars.

All collected data is sent to the Mutrade Engineering Center.

Based on the analysis of all the initial data, Mutrade’s specialists are preparing a layout solution and calculating the cost of robotic parking, which will take into account and balance the initial data, existing restrictions, and, importantly, will find the optimal balance between the required indicators for the speed of issuing cars and the budget for robotic parking.

Important! Developing the concept of robotic parking is a very important stage. Since it forms the basis for the design of a parking building, or the building of an entire complex. Errors in the selection of a technical solution and the creation of a layout solution can ultimately lead to irreparable errors in the construction of the parking frame, which either leads to the impossibility of implementing a car storage system or is used with restrictions, increases the cost of parking, etc. That is why it is important to trust the development of a parking concept to professionals .

In order to get a layout solution for your construction site,  send an inquiry to

We develop, design and manufacture mechanical parking equipment with our own advanced technology and kept consistent high quality.
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